academic journals are organising a number of initiatives to commemorate the Centenary.
The SEB’s fiveThese include:

Scientists with Impact
This interview series will celebrate the work of future leaders who are making substantial contributions to their fields. The interviews will feature inspirational researchers from across the cell, animal, and plant sciences and will be available to read online.
Centenary Reviews
The Journal of Experimental Botany has commissioned a series of special Darwin Reviews for the SEB’s Centenary celebrations. The reviews will be authored by leading scientists and will focus on areas where experimental plant science is being used to tackle global challenges, with a forward-looking perspective. The reviews will be available as a printed collection for delegates at the Centenary conference.
Conservation Physiology Ten Year Celebration
Conservation Physiology Journal will celebrate its ten-year anniversary in 2023. In a session at the Centenary conference, the journal will look back on its first decade, reflect on the impact of conservation physiology research to date, and chart a course for the decade ahead. A diverse group of speakers will discuss threats to biodiversity as well as possible solutions for sustainably managing and restoring imperilled populations and ecosystems.
Reflecting on the Past, Present and Future of Experimental Biology Research
In a SEB magazine piece, the Editor’s-in-Chief of the Society’s five journals will reflect on the past century of experimental biology research, highlighting key breakthroughs within their respective fields. The piece will also look forwards and emphasise the importance of applying research to solve the most pressing scientific and societal issues.
Image Integrity Workshop – Good scientific practice of preparing and assessing image-based data
The integrity and reliability of images in scientific publications are of highest importance for the scientific community. However, inappropriate image handling can easily impair the scientific validity of this form of data, thereby harming scientific understanding and threatening public trust in science. Image manipulation may be deliberate falsification or without harmful intent, for example, to improve the aesthetics of figures. In this interactive, hands-on workshop, staff from the Journal of Experimental Botany 's Editorial Office will discuss the dos and don'ts of ethical image processing according to common journal figure policies and good scientific practice. Participants will have ample opportunity to practice and improve their skills in assessing the quality and reliability of image-based data. The workshop is targeted at everyone who reads, writes, or reviews academic articles, from early-career to more established researchers. No previous knowledge in using image modification software is required.
This workshop will be delivered during the SEB Centenary Conference in July.
Download the ‘Science with Impact’ article collection here