Propose a Symposium

Submit a request for a Symposium
You can submit a proposal together with a request for funding to organise an SEB Symposium. The  SEB sections  Animal, Plant , Cell and  Outreach and Education   and Diversity ( OED) run a symposium ever two years and funding up to £14000.00 is available for each symposium.


  • Applicants must be members of the SEB
  • The scientific topic of the proposed event must be within SEB'S scientific remit.
  • Maximum of £14 000 can be applied per event 


SEB Members can submit proposals to organise a symposium event. A proposal can be submitted to the relevant SEB Section

  • Animal
  • Plant
  • Cell
  • Outreach Education and Diversity (OED) 

The sections are overseen by the relevant SEB Section Chairs/trustees. 

APPLICATION    DEADLINE: 1st  March 2025  and  1st  November  2025


Applications can be submitted annually by the following deadlines: 1st March and 1st November. Proposals must be submitted by either 1st March or 1st November in the year prior to the event (e.g., proposals for 2026 should be submitted by 1st March or 1st November 2025).

Applicants for symposium funding must be members of the SEB. The scientific topic of the proposed event must align with SEB’s scientific remit.

SEB Sections host a symposium every two years. The Animal Biology and OED sections organize their symposia in even-numbered years (e.g., 2026, 2028), while the Plant and Cell Biology sections organize theirs in odd-numbered years (e.g., 2025, 2027).


  • SEB will manage the organisation of the event, including the following:-
    • Webpage creation including profiles of the organisers 
    • Managing  abstract submissions
    • Managing and setting up registrations
    • Advertising and promoting the event
    • Creating event markerting materials 
    • Creating a symposium programme and abstract book where applicable
    • Organising any printed materials for the event
    • Delegate liason 
    • Budget management
  • Funding of up to £14.000 is available per symposium 


We aim to inform you of the outcome of your application within 1 month of the application deadline.



If you have any queries please contact us by email   [email protected].



  • Click on the button below to download the symposium proposal form 
  • Complete the form with your symposium proposal details 

  • Email the completed form to   [email protected]


    If your proposal is accepted, a number of Terms and Conditions apply.


    You will need to work collaboratively with the SEB in organising the event as follows:

  •  You will be the scientific organiser of the event and therefore you will be responsible for organising the scientific programme

  • The SEB will be responsible for organising the logistics of the event,  including managing  abstract submission, registrations, advertising and publicity, budget management.

  • We have restrictions  on what the  funding can and can’t cover

  • Funding expenditure will be managed by the SEB with input from the scientific event organiser

  •  The event budget will be managed by the SEB

  • The funds must be used effectively and economically and the expenses must be fundamental to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the event as laid out in the funding application.

  • SEB funding must contribute directly to the costs of the event for which the funds were awarded.


In order to regulate how SEB funds are spent in relation to events, the organiser(s) agree to abide by the funding expenditure regulations below:



  • Venue hire costs

  • Catering costs

  • Printing costs associated with marketing or publicity for the event

  • Hire of poster boards

  • Student/ Early Career Scientist travel grant awards

  • Awards for best presentations (poster/talk)

The list is not exclusive and other expenses may be granted with prior approval from the SEB office.

Non Eligible Expenses

  • Travel and subsistence costs (including meals and accommodation) of the organising committee and associated research personnel

  • Passport and immigration fees

  • The purchase of equipment or machinery


  • Within 2 months after the event takes place you will need to provide us with the following:

    • An event report of no more than 500 words, including pictures of the event, summarising the science presented at the event and any highlights.

    • Highlights of the report will be published on our website and could be published in the SEB Magazine