The Session information is still subject to change.
Workshop 1 - Plant architecture in model and crop plants
Session Description
Plant architecture has been of interest to plant breeders for centuries, as its manipulation has the potential to lead to the development of resilient crops that can withstand various environmental stresses. Understanding how the graviresponse shapes plant architecture enables the development of crop varieties, and so far, model plant species have provided fundamental knowledge on this. The session will focus fundamental and applied research, on how the universal force of gravitropism shapes plant form, and overall plant architecture. Talks are welcome from a range of topics including biophysical and molecular genetic in model plants and commercially relevant crops.
Workshop 2 - Academic Peer review, first steps best practices, and future challenges
Session Description
Peer review is at the heart of the academic publication process. In this interactive workshop we will educate (early career) researchers on how to assess scientific manuscripts and write high-quality peer reviews that conform to best scientific practice and ethical norms. We will provide participants with information on how to find review opportunities and receive recognition for their work. Different peer review models will be explained, and we will debate future challenges that the peer review system is facing. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss how quality, equality, and fairness of the academic peer review process can be increased in the future.
Workshop 3 - Intersectionality: Impacts on academic staff and their students
Session Description
The session would involve guided conversations revealing the barriers, arising from intersectional factors, to both academic staff and student progression in the UK HE environment. The workshop would use a "double diamond" interrogative approach to both problematise and offer solutions to contemporary dilemmas.
Workshop 4 - Embedding SDGs in the Curriculum
Session Description
This session will discuss the importance of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the need to incorporate them into our curriculum. The session will start with a 15 minute presentation of why we should incorporate SDGs in our curriculum and discuss how our School is embedding them. The audience will have 20 minutes to think about the modules they convene and how those link with SDGs, whether they currently explicitly/implicitly discuss SDGs in their module and whether there is potential to further embed. The session will end with a 10 minutes discussion on the audience practice.
Workshop 5 - Generative AI and Scientific Writing
Session Description
This workshop aims to advance the responsible and effective use of generative AI tools in the research process. Topics will include the pros and cons of specific AI tools, tasks that are more or less suited for AI assistance, the inclusion of AI in the research and learning process, risks (data security, bias, plagiarism, deskilling, hallucinations, environmental impact, etc.) and solutions, specialized tools (e.g., Connected Papers, Research Rabbit, Consensus, Elicit, Scispace), and prompting techniques.